Also briefl y discussed in the following section are major contemporary scholarly conceptualizations of shamanisms that consider the diversity of practices as phenomena worthy of serious ethnographic study, despite inherited biases, contested categories, and contemporary identity politics. Eliade's conceptualization continues to infl uence practices that have been dubbed "neoshamanisms" (cf., Christensen, 2015 Kraft et al., 2015 Langdon and Santana de Rose, 2012 Lewis, 2015 Townsend, 2005 von Stuckrad, 2002 ), "Western" shamanisms ( Crockford, 2010 von Stuckrad, 2002 ), and less favorably by some scholars, "New Age Medicine Men" ( Lewis, 2015 ), "White Shamans" or "Plastic Medicine Men" (cf., Green, 1988 Kehoe, 2000Kehoe,, 2001, and more recently, "Pretendians" ( Nephin, 2019 ), guilty of cultural appropriation, ethnocentrism, erasure of Indigenous people's lived experiences, and racism. The following section briefl y discusses the diversity of shamanisms, both in terms of actual sociocultural phenomena and conceptualizations that seek to either explain these or use them as resources for personal growth.